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Infant Son Freeman 1857.jpg

Davis Allen Freeman (1833-1911) married Beatrice (Bedy/Bettie) Ann Bowers Freeman (1837-1911) in 1854. Three of their children are buried in Freeman Cemetery:


FRANCES A. FREEMAN (1955-1856)




Tombstones for the unnamed infants state that the parents are D. A. and B. A. Freeman. It is thought that Frances was the twin sister of a brother, James, who survived but died in an accident when he was ten years old and is buried at Ralston Cemetery with his grandparents. No tombstone exists for Frances.


The family, like many others in the surrounding area, knew the tragedy of losing children, but this couple was fortunate to have eight other children who lived into the 1900s. They were: Margaret (Maggie), Martha (Mattie), John Allen, William Athe, Benjamin Edward, Laura Frances (named after her deceased sister), Davis Mayor, and Spence Brasford.


Davis Allen Freeman became a minister and is known as the founder of Freeman's Chapel Methodist Church, about seven miles from Freeman Cemetery. Records from the Freeman family indicate that he founded the church in 1876, and it is still in existence today.


Davis Allen and Beatrice Freeman are both buried in the Old Ames Cemetery in Weakley County.

Infant Daughter Freeman 1858.jpg
Davis Allen Freeman family and friends 1

Davis Allen Freeman Family and Friends, 1910.


Front row, left to right: Mike Freeman, Eva Lee Blake, Mrs. Bonds Elam (nee Mayme Baldridge), Mrs. John Wade Brummitt (nee Macon Freeman), Mrs. Harvey Cavin (nee Laverghne Wagster), Mrs. Robert Gallimore (nee Codie Mae Freeman), Christine Baldridge, Roy Freeman, Harris Brinkley,  Robert Freeman, Tilden Lampkin, Alvie Freeman, Ralph Freeman, Charles Freeman, George (Ted) Freeman, Guy Freeman.


Second row, left to right: unknown, unknown, unknown, Davis Allen Freeman with grandson Hillary Freeman in lap, Mrs. Davis Allen Freeman (nee Beatrice Ann Bowers) with Joe C. Freeman in lap, Laura Freeman, Mrs. McGill, Brother McGill, unknown, Ella Freeman, Mrs. Adrian Wood (nee Hazel Lee Freeman).


Third row, left to right: Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lampkin and baby, Mrs. Ben Freeman (nee Nannie Baldridge) and baby J. V. Freeman, Ben Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Curry, Mrs. Burt Blake (nee Maggie Freeman), Mrs Kennedy (Carrie Kennedy's mother), Mrs. Captain Baldridge, John P. Harris, Captain Baldridge, Will Lampkin, Mrs. Will Lampkin (nee Mattie Freeman), Will Freeman, Mrs. Will Freeman (nee Betty Hailey), and baby Sam Freeman.


Fourth and fifth rows, left to right: Montie Corlew, Carrie Kennedy, Rupert Wagster, Mrs. Hassell Collier (nee Rupayne Freeman), Mrs. Ottis Estes (nee Mabel Freeman), Mrs. John Freeman (nee Fannie Kennedy), John Freeman, Alex Baldridge and baby Freeman Baldridge, Elzie High, Mrs. Alex Baldridge (nee Laura Freeman), Mrs. Elzie High (nee Beady Blake), Mrs. Wilburn Wagster (nee Ada Blake), Mrs. Bruce Blake (nee Elva McGee), Mrs. Linnie Blake (nee Dell Shelley), Mrs. Atkins, Mrs. Robert Nowlin (nee Donnie Harris), Mrs. Willis Percell (nee Verna Freeman), Paul Freeman, Ray Freeman, Bruce Blake.


Sixth and seventh rows, left to right: Erdie Lampkin, Will Dave Freeman, Mrs. Lee Brinkley (nee Rombie Harris), Mrs. Spence Freeman (nee Florence Harris), Lee Brinkley and daughter Lesbie Brinkley, Spence Freeman, Mrs. Tom Goff (nee Neva Freeman), Mrs. Ezra Blake (nee Annie Vancleave) and baby Beutonne Blake, Ezra Blake and baby Kenneth Blake, Ella Freeman, Mrs. Dave Freeman (nee Evie Vancleave), Dave Freeman, Mrs. John P. Harris (nee Martha Autry), Boyce McGee, Athy Blake, Kyrus Freeman Cowardin.


Picture and names courtesy of Mary Penick Wells.


In our bodies we carry the blood of our ancestors and the seeds of the future generations. We are a living conduit to all life. When we contemplate the vastness of the interwoven network that we are tied to, our individual threads of life seem far less fragile. We are strengthened by who we come from and inspired by the those who will follow.

--Sherri Mitchell Weh'na Ha'mu Kwasset

The cemetery is an open space among the ruins, covered in winter with violets and daisies. It might make one in love with death, to think that one should be buried in so sweet a place.

--Percy Bysshe Shelley, Adonais

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