Relatives of Chester Tate
CHESTER TATE (1882-1942) married HETTIE TREVATHAN TATE (1881-1968), and they are both buried in Freeman Cemetery. They did not have any children.
Chester had previously been married to TOMMIE GARDNER TATE (1881-1906), and she is also buried in Freeman Cemetery. Chester and Tommie Tate had a daughter named Loulee Tate who married Buren Chumley. Though neither of them is buried in Freeman Cemetery, their daughter, CHARLOTTE ANN CHUMLEY (d. 1932), is buried there near her grandparents. Presumably, she died at a very young age, after her parents' marriage in 1931, perhaps shortly after or at birth.
Tommie Tate's mother, NANNIE GARDNER (1858-1923), is also buried in Freeman Cemetery. Nannie was the second wife of Gus Gardner, father of Georgia Gardner, who married Clint Trevathan, son of Anderson Winchester Trevathan and his second wife, Martha Louise (Mattie) Crutchfield Trevathan.